Welcome to Karelian Diamond Resources

Karelian Diamond Resources (“Karelian Resources”) is at an advanced stage of being granted a mining permit to proceed with the development of a diamond deposit at Lahtojoki in Finland as well as an advanced exploration programme in the Kuhmo region of Finland.

Karelian Resources has also recently initiated an exploration programme for nickel, copper and platinum-group elements on its Colebrook project in Northern Ireland with preliminary results being highly encouraging.

The Lahtojoki diamond deposit has a significant percentage of coloured (pink) diamonds and would be the first diamond mine in the EU.

The Company’s rationale for its diamond exploration programme in Finland is to discover a world class diamond deposit comparable to the two world class diamond deposits (Lomonosov and Grib) in similar geology across the border from Finland.

A green diamond has been discovered, in the Kuhmo area of Finland, and a series of potentially diamondiferous kimberlite targets identified. A follow-up excavation and drilling programme is in progress to locate the source of the green diamond.

An exciting new development for the Company is a highly prospective exploration programme for nickel, copper and platinum group metals following positive results from a stream sampling programme.  A subequent assessment prepared by independent geological consultant, Dr. Larry Hulbert, confirmed the potential for nickel, copper and platinum-group elements in the Company's license arease in Northern Ireland.